Monday, January 17, 2011

How House Removals in London Can Be Tax Deductible

One thing most people dread is house removals. London has more than it’s fair share of house removal, London is also full of people dreading the prospect!

Yet here’s something that may soften the blow – the tax deductible possibilities of house removals. London tax advisors will tell you that this is a distinct possibility when it comes to house removal. London or elsewhere, you can make moving pay!

Tax Tips for House Removals in London – Employed People

Take this scenario – your employer is relocating you, which involves house removal. London is your destination and you’re worried about the cost of house removals. London prices have bumped up the cost so what can you do to lessen the blow of house removal? London employers generally pay employees moving costs but that gets taxed doesn’t it, even if it is money for house removals? London employers may not always tell you this but that is not necessarily the case – HMRC may allow you a tax free proportion of the costs of house removal. London or elsewhere, this can make for significant savings.

You can qualify for these savings if it’s necessary for your job to be moving and thus paying for house removals. London employers may be funding you in this respect but you must declare this to HMRC to make it tax deductible.

There are instances when you will find that expenses are not tax deductible for house removal. London is a big place but if you could still be expected to get to work from your old address then you will find that HMRC may not let you get tax relief on house removal. London to Bath, for example, would be deemed too far to travel and you will get relief for the costs of house removal. London to St Albans however, may be a tougher one to sell to the tax man!

Tax Tips for House Removals in London – Self-Employed People

This all depends on the circumstance of your house removal. London has many people working from home and the subject often arises of tax deductible house removals. London based people in this situation need to think about the circumstances surrounding the house removal. London may be your destination but is the move absolutely necessary for business purposes? Was the move wholly and exclusively for business reasons, or was there also personal reasons for house removal? London is full of business people who have moved house only to find the tax man does not deem it absolutely necessary for business purposes.

Don’t get caught out – it would be wise not to rely on being able to deduct the costs for house removals. London based business people would be well advised to speak to an accountant about your house removal. London based accountants will be able to provide you with expert advice on whether or not you will be able to write of your expenses for house removal. London is an expensive city – so it’s best to be prepared!

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